My biggest picture

For an fair in germany, i got assigned to create a sidewall of the Horizon’s Booth.

A very impressive image (credits go to Horizon Grow Lights) in the background. Definitely an eye catcher of it’s own.

  • 2.5 x 5 meters to present grow led lights
  • Technical data about these Horizon products


New look & feel for my own business site. Result in 2 hours only.

  • Logo more modern and less «heavy metal»
  • New header image in no time with max information
  • Another google font import to get a modern easy-to-read feeling
  • A new entry to keep it updated

3D Tuning

Another web project done! One more automobile repaire company got more costumer-oriented look & feel.

  • New design, more fresh, responsive and barrier-free
  • Content Management System, we have choosen typo3 because of the user-management and cost-efficiency
  • Typo3 Administrator Workshop to let owner create its own content by themself. Fast, simple and modular extensible.
  • SEO-Workshop
  • Having a beer

Let your car maintenance done by an expert!

Check it out at


This is one photoshop job i’m really proud of.

An eagle captures its prey and leaves hell …

It took a view hours to collect all the parts, set it free, edit and fine tuning and arrange the composite. The eagle, the city and the fender strat where the parts i came up with. The guitar strings got built in by me. The most challanging thing was to get the lights in the right direction.

I printed it out and hang it in the stairway like a painting 80 x 40″.